Armstrong Flooring

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Armstrong Flooring What To Use For The Kitchen

The kitchen is a tough area to decide on when it comes to flooring. On one hand, the flooring must remain flexible enough to support the legs and back. On the other hand, however, the flooring must keep out water and food to maintain its appearance. The right kitchen flooring requires little maintenance and can keep up with the demands placed on it by a modern kitchen. Spills and accidents will inevitably happen on a fairly frequent basis, demanding reliability and durability from flooring that is installed in the kitchen area. To prevent serious upkeep issues and future expenses, it pays to do the research necessary to find the best flooring.

Wood flooring has long been used in the kitchen, but it has a tendency to suffer under harsh kitchen conditions. Wood aborbs moisture, causing severe maintenance issues. When a wood floor absorbs too much moisture it can begin to bow up or down in the middle, leading to a surface that must be replaced or sanded down. The only way to fix this problem is to sand it down, or to go the expensive route and replace the floor. Neither of these are very attractive options, and involve many hours as well as thousands of dollars. While a properly constructed and processed wood floor may resist these problems, wood flooring is certainly more prone to suffer from them.

Slate and ceramic tile are more reliable. Tile and slate do not suffer from water exposure, and do not suffer from warping or cracking. As fairly rigid materials, they experience little expansion or contraction.
Slate and ceramic flooring are available in a broad range of colors and shades. Slate and ceramic flooring are also very slip resistant, making them a better surface to use in the kitchen as well. Hardwood flooring can become slick, especially if it has been exposed to moisture. When using slate as a kitchen surface, purchase a product with a low gloss to keep the safety of its great traction.

Laminate flooring is a great alternative to both wood and slate. To achieve that hardwood look without all the associated upkeep problems, laminate flooring can be a great option. Laminate flooring is easy to install, affordable, and very resistant to both absorbing moisture and food stains.
Laminate flooring is also engineered to work under heavy loads and traffic. The kitchen is a high stress area for flooring, and should be given flooring that will withstand as much. Choosing the right kind of flooring will result in a lifetime of great quality and low maintenance.

Armstrong Flooring

Armstrong Flooring

